Plain Speaking

My thoughts on sports, religion, politics, society, and everything else you're not suppose to talk about!

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Location: Bardstown, Kentucky, United States

1995 Graduate of Western Kentucky University, History major/ Government & Speech minors. Love being a father and husband.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Disrespect for important things.

He had a rough run of luck. His every fault had been exposed over the past several weeks. A political candidate running for office faces these things and it is to be expected. What struck me about this was this particular politico's response to the venom that had been hurled his way.

"If we had talked this way about somebody when we were kids, our mammas would have whipped us."

Wow. Really, I mean it, wow! Rarely in the information age, filled with meaningless soundbites and disinformation does someone break through all the noise and make the valid point. Wow.

Why is it we have such a variation from past generations to the past few? Why have we fallen into such disrespect for people, positions, and institutions that at one time were held in high esteem?

I believe this is due to the de-mystification to which we as a culture have subjected all things. Being a father is easy look how Bill Cosby, Bob Saggett, and every other TV parent solve problems. Every childhood and marital difficulty solved in thirty minutes, with laughs and a group hug as the credits role.

We no longer respect the elders or preacher because in this information age we have heard so many true reports of those that have let others down.

We no longer respect elected officials because their every infraction is detailed on the evening news whether it is real or imagined.

We no longer idolize atheletes as role models for we know they will break our hearts. Some do however, want their noteriety and money.

If you notice I give no answers in this article, they seem to evade me.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


The most phony construct man has hoisted upon itself is just this the idea of time. Think for a moment, a minute never existed until we said it lasted 60 seconds. I am reminded of the old Indians response to his grandchild's inquiry as to when he was born. The old man thought a moment and replied, "summertime." Many a Indian agent in the old west had readjust his thinking about his appointments with native Americans. The natives would be a week late and give no thought to the fact that people were waiting . Why worry the Indian would think, a thing takes as long as it takes.

Rudyard Kipling immortal poem, "If", refers to "the unforgiving minute" how true. Time is our unforgiving master we live in a scheduled and regimented world that makes us acutely aware that time is passing.

I want to get rid of my watch.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The death of good people who are wrong.

Pope John Paul II has died. I am a conservative and much of what the head of the Roman church said politically and socially I agree wholeheartredly. However, when I read the teaching of the Catholic church and compare it to the Bible I see many contradictions. So this begs the question, will God judge John Paul II and Jonathan Neal Stanley Sr. by the same standard or will he judge me according to the Bible the standard I look to and then judge John Paul by the teaching of the Roman church, or his teachings.

Here is my opinion of the man, John Paul II. He has been a unyielding force for change in the world. His standing up against sexual promiscuity and against dictatorship's abuse of human rights have done great good.

The other side of the coin is the error and contradiction I see in John Paul's doctrine for the Catholic Church, I mispeak somewhat for his doctrine in most instances is a continuation of past Catholic doctrine, not the doctrine of the Bible or the practices of the church in the 1st century.

It is my belief that no person can contradict or rewrite, redefine, or overrule God.