Plain Speaking

My thoughts on sports, religion, politics, society, and everything else you're not suppose to talk about!

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Location: Bardstown, Kentucky, United States

1995 Graduate of Western Kentucky University, History major/ Government & Speech minors. Love being a father and husband.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Land of Logan

The title of this entry is a blatant plagiarism from my good friend and fellow Logan Countian, Jim Turner. Jim is the editor of the News Democrat and Logan Leader based in Logan County, Kentucky. I am still a faithful reader of this paper despite the fact that I have lived as an expatriate for the last decade. Jim's articles, the entire paper in fact, help me to feel a little more connected to home.

What is that is within us that makes us yearn for home? Wars are fought to defend our home from those that would take our home from us. Politicians make great hay about their common roots. Presidents at one point ballyhooed that they were born in a log cabin starting with William Henry Harrison, continuing with Abe Lincoln and ending with Jimmy Carter(the first president to be born in a hospital. (Feel free to check on the Carter birth I found it from two different sources and still find it hard to believe.)

My natural cynicism says that time and distance may have rewritten enough of the past that what was once appalling is now appealing. The currents of time have dulled the heartaches and dampened the disappointments.

Or perhaps, I view that life as simpler because it really was simpler. In life we make choices as we grow, more as we age, and only as we look back do we realize how wonderful it was back in our glory days. I, and I believe most, would not go back to younger days without that which we have acquired. For example I would not trade my wife and children for the chance to return to those simpler times, but being married and raising a son and daughter are difficult tasks that the sixteen year old version of me did not face. Back then it was the scrounging enough money to take a girl on a date and then finding a girl that would actually say yes. That was an excruciating experience but now as I look to the future I know that some little girl will bat her eyes at my son and then my life will take on a whole new version of complicated.

As for my daughter, she will never date and stay with her father forever.

So I pose the question were the good old days that good or has, as the song goes, "time rewritten every line"?

Friday, June 20, 2008

My Great Son

I took the five year old to school this morning and he wanted to eat breakfast at school, we were out of pop tarts and he knew he could score one at school. He went through the line for his food paid and started looking for a place for us to sit.(I work third shift, this is our father son time each morning) He paused, as his classmates called for him to join their pre school day meal and chat. He told them he would see them in class and at recess and went to another table. I went and sat with him and as his conversation with the other children at this table progressed I realized that all of these children were special needs kids.
As they finished and left, I asked my son why he had chose to sit here instead of his normal crew of classmates. The following was his response as close to verbatim as I can recall. "Daddy, don't be mad, but some kids say things that aren't to nice about these guys and I don't think that is right. I noticed that the other kids don't play and talk with them very much so I thought I would eat with them. You don't think my friend's will mind do you?"
By this time my thirty-five year old eyes were fighting back tears. I told him that his friends would not mind and that I loved him very much and that he was a great guy. I have often told him that he is the best little boy in the whole wide world. I repeated that familiar descriptive to him and told him that things like this was why he was the best kid in the world. (Some of you disagree, but you will never win that argument with me, so don't even try.)
My son, like all children, can be and is a real handful at times. But for all of those who tell me how I should do this or that different, that try to impart to me wisdom or theory, (and I don't minimize their advice and council) I know that my wife and I are doing something right.
I have a great little boy. (And a great little girl too!)