Plain Speaking

My thoughts on sports, religion, politics, society, and everything else you're not suppose to talk about!

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Location: Bardstown, Kentucky, United States

1995 Graduate of Western Kentucky University, History major/ Government & Speech minors. Love being a father and husband.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


The most phony construct man has hoisted upon itself is just this the idea of time. Think for a moment, a minute never existed until we said it lasted 60 seconds. I am reminded of the old Indians response to his grandchild's inquiry as to when he was born. The old man thought a moment and replied, "summertime." Many a Indian agent in the old west had readjust his thinking about his appointments with native Americans. The natives would be a week late and give no thought to the fact that people were waiting . Why worry the Indian would think, a thing takes as long as it takes.

Rudyard Kipling immortal poem, "If", refers to "the unforgiving minute" how true. Time is our unforgiving master we live in a scheduled and regimented world that makes us acutely aware that time is passing.

I want to get rid of my watch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful writer. I really enjoy reading your blog everytime you post something new and thats not just being nice. I think you are really good and should look into writing articles for somewhere.

12:58 AM  

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