Plain Speaking

My thoughts on sports, religion, politics, society, and everything else you're not suppose to talk about!

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Location: Bardstown, Kentucky, United States

1995 Graduate of Western Kentucky University, History major/ Government & Speech minors. Love being a father and husband.

Friday, March 18, 2005

"I want to focus on the future."

"I want to focus on the future." These were Mark McGwire's words Thursday to a congressional panel. He and multiple other past and present MLB players sat before a congressional committee and the most important part of the testimony was what was not said. It would be better to say what they would not say. McGwire's, and in reality baseball's ploy sets a new low for sports. They are now descending from Mount Olympus and trying to steal a play from congress's playbook.

Remember how President Clinton always dealt with various scandals? "These terrible people are out to get me, but I'm not gonna let that stop me from helping you. I'm gonna keep on keeping on and do the business of the people." For the most part the president got a pass, I doubt if the big leagues will be so fortunate.

The beauty of sport is this, it is always decided on the field. The results are clearly displayed on the field of play. Baseball most of all relies upon its history. Now when that history is not one that is beneficial to owners and players of the moment, both management and players are seeking to omit a part of that history. In other words the attempt to cover the truth and get away with the steroids scandal is underway.

Many purist shudder at the thought of the federal government involving itself in baseball, but it must be considered if baseball is manipulating illegally the very thing on display, athletic ability, how is this different from the Black Sox scandal or Pete Rose betting on baseball? Others must govern those who will not govern themselves.

This brings up one question, will the masters of the sport of political tom foolery allow these amateurs to practice this craft? Both congress, baseball, and the general public know the game and the motives behind every move. What remains to be seen is will the powers that be let baseball, once again, get away with it.


Blogger Dr. Horrible said...

Notice you didn't comment on Sammy Sosa perjuring himself. ;)

4:43 PM  

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